Thursday, October 05, 2006

The real world ramifications of the film 'Big'!

Everyones seen 'Big', right? Y'know, kid makes a wish to a scary carny machine, wakes up the next morning and is Tom Hanks! Moves to the big city, in this case New York, gets a job at a toy company, meets a hot girl/woman, yadda yadda yadda goes home, becomes kid again. You know the film i mean, right?? Anywho, it got me thinking (as do most films that end in this fashion), what actually happens when he gets home? I mean, i know that the movie is set in the fictional world but wouldn't there be an AWFUL lot of questions about this scenario? Think about it, the mother thinks her child has been kidnapped by the strange man who was suddenly in her house one day, who was actually, her son, all growed up! He writes a letter home home to his mom, saying he's being treated fine and it's alot like summer camp! Surely the police would want to know where the hell he was for however long it was(2 months ish?)! Now i know that once he's given the description of his 'kidnapper' to the police, they would be off on some wild goose chase but surely they have to take into account that the kid may have been abused? And obviously, if they asked him he's gonna say 'No, i was treated fine and given lots of toys to play with!' which, from they're perspective, smacks of denial! So would they then 'examine' him for sexual abuse? I mean technically, he's being accused of sexual abusing himself as a child, only to be violated by the police to see if he has been abused!! Talk about irony!! And if he does 'fess up' and say 'Ok, i made a wish on a scary carney machine, which turned me into a grown magic!' then i would think it's off to the psyche ward for him! It reminds of Terminator 2 where they do actually ask these questions of the main character from the previous film(Sarah Connor) and she does end up in the looney bin going on about killer robots from the future! I'm thinking this kids life after his incident won't ever be the same again and when he does grown up to look like Tom Hanks will he be arrested for fitting the profile of a kidnapper and possible sex offender from 20 odd years prevoius? How good a sequel would that make! ho-hum!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I hate that 'Emo' is a dirty word these days

Its so frustrating to love a certain type of music and then have it's title ass-raped by the soddin' media and MTV and fuckin' scenesters who are too fuckin' cool for school! To like Emo (or Emo-core) was a good thing back in the day. It was a little known off-shoot of post-hardcore (titles galore!) and so many awesome bands fit into its silly little label. These days anything thats not Metal or Pop gets labeled Emo, which from here on in shall be known as MTVEMO. I guess its how alot of people felt when bands started coming out saying they were 'Punk' or were labelled as such many years after being Punk was relevant. Whats even sadder is that the few bands still left who were considered Emo back in the day are now stuck with the MTVEMO stigma, which is a shame. I'm mainly on my high horse about this because of the recent news that Texas Is The Reason have reformed for a one off anniversary show for one the greatest albums ever made 'Do You Know Who You Are?'. This band are one of many who re-invigorated my love of music in the mid to late nineties. Without TITR, The Get Up Kids, Far, Christie Front Drive, and many more, i would have thought music was doomed to be all Brit-pop (or Brit-poop) or stadium headliners riding the coattails of 'Grunge'. What annoys me even more though, is that i never got to see half of these bands. One of the many reasons living in the UK sucks. And dont even get me started on the government. Whinge over, nothing to see here folks....please disperse.
Wow, do i suck at this 'daily blog' malarky! Just a quickie, im back at uni, summer was good, sold aload of stuff on ebay to pay my rent, got a crappy job blah blah blah comics are ace, lost 3 starts this week. the end. more later!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

A day in the sun......

Yesterday was a well spent day at Download with many wonderful bands and glorious weather! On the other hand it was also another example of really annoying lineup clashes, with four off the seven bands i reeeeeeaally wanted to see being on at the same time on four different stages. Add to that the site is the famous Donington race track and is situated right next to East Midlands airport! So imagine if you can, trying to give your full attention to the main stage while a parade of aircraft seem to appear out of nowhere from behind said stage and roar overhead to the landing strip just the other side of the event! Plus, i swear, I SWEAR, each plane was getting lower and lower as the night progressed!! Unbelievable! Apart from that, it was grand!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What to say.....

Wow. First blog post ever. I've finally managed to put myself out there, digitally that is! Yay me.
I will endeavour to update this blog daily with whatever musings are currently dancing around my brain, i'm not really bothered if anyone reads my tired ramblings but what the hey! Onwards to the kettle, and blog-filled dreams!