Saturday, March 06, 2010

My Little Modok

As well as pimpin' the greatness of other blogs and random internet tomfoolery, I shall also be posting my own attempts to further saturate the webisphere.

This wee something I knocked up is for the previously mentioned

Modok has a drink. Hilarious, huh?


Friday, March 05, 2010

The Greatest Thing In THE WORLD!

Seriously awesome!


Thursday, March 04, 2010


Just want to throw out a shout to the annual MARCH MODOK MADNESS blog!

I for one will be contributing as soon as I can stop procrastinating.

The Amazing Spider-Man.

Wow. Just wow.

The love I have for this show is just unparalleled. This will always be the real Spider-Man to me. Sam Raimi did a fine job but this TV show seems to do it more for me. I know it's not great and it's basically a 70's cop show with a guy in tights and it took incredible liberties with the source material but dammit, I loves it!

All the episodes are on Youtube but oh how I pine for a DVD! It's funny, they'll happily release 'Elektra' but they won't release this?!

Spaced. The godawful American Version.

One of the greatest things about 'Spaced', was the how important American culture was to British people. Especially growing up in the 1980's. We were bombarded with awesomeness on a daily basis, thanks to imported genre TV shows, music, comics and amazing toys. All of this had a considerable effect on our psyches, and made playing on waste grounds so much more fun.

The US version of 'Spaced' doesn't have that. As, obviously, it's already American. So instead of trying to do it's own thing and adapt the characters to fit, by making them more neurotic or geeky or whatever. It pretty much just copies the original. And without the uniqueness of Edgar Wrights Direction and without an original spin it comes across as, well, crap. Painful even. I can't even think of anything remotely funny to write. I love Spaced. I don't love this.

Thanks to Topless Robot and Simon Pegg's Twitter!