Thursday, June 03, 2010

Avengers be Assemblin'!

A couple of concept images for the upcoming 'THOR' and 'CAPTAIN AMERICA' movie hit the interwebs this week and quite spiffy they are. But the supergeek in me is to impatient to wait for the Avengers movie to marvel (heh!) at the combined awesomeness of Thor, Cap and ol' shellhead; so I knocked this up in photoshop:

Saturday, March 06, 2010

My Little Modok

As well as pimpin' the greatness of other blogs and random internet tomfoolery, I shall also be posting my own attempts to further saturate the webisphere.

This wee something I knocked up is for the previously mentioned

Modok has a drink. Hilarious, huh?


Friday, March 05, 2010

The Greatest Thing In THE WORLD!

Seriously awesome!


Thursday, March 04, 2010


Just want to throw out a shout to the annual MARCH MODOK MADNESS blog!

I for one will be contributing as soon as I can stop procrastinating.

The Amazing Spider-Man.

Wow. Just wow.

The love I have for this show is just unparalleled. This will always be the real Spider-Man to me. Sam Raimi did a fine job but this TV show seems to do it more for me. I know it's not great and it's basically a 70's cop show with a guy in tights and it took incredible liberties with the source material but dammit, I loves it!

All the episodes are on Youtube but oh how I pine for a DVD! It's funny, they'll happily release 'Elektra' but they won't release this?!

Spaced. The godawful American Version.

One of the greatest things about 'Spaced', was the how important American culture was to British people. Especially growing up in the 1980's. We were bombarded with awesomeness on a daily basis, thanks to imported genre TV shows, music, comics and amazing toys. All of this had a considerable effect on our psyches, and made playing on waste grounds so much more fun.

The US version of 'Spaced' doesn't have that. As, obviously, it's already American. So instead of trying to do it's own thing and adapt the characters to fit, by making them more neurotic or geeky or whatever. It pretty much just copies the original. And without the uniqueness of Edgar Wrights Direction and without an original spin it comes across as, well, crap. Painful even. I can't even think of anything remotely funny to write. I love Spaced. I don't love this.

Thanks to Topless Robot and Simon Pegg's Twitter!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Such wonders....! Part 3


Ahh, Geekologie.

Where would I be without you? Where else would I find info on the newest and oddest gadgets and geek stuff, wrapped up in a crazy mind which has an unnatural love of Bacon?

Bacon Turtles.

Nowhere. That's where.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Such wonders....! Part 2

Topless Robot

Nope. Not mechanical female fetishes. But a damn fine nerd blog. (With the occasional mechanical female fetish. Maybe.) And the home to the wrongest contests (in a good 'wrong' way) and the so wrong it's right 'Fan Fiction Friday'. It has to be read to be believed!

Fan Fiction Friday: "Harry Potter and the Surprise Package"
By Rob Bricken in Miscellaneous, Nerdery
Friday, Feb. 12 2010 @ 2:15PM
​As I mentioned on the ol' Topless Robot Twitter Experience, I have no desire to do FFF today. None whatsoever. I really, really don't want to put myself through it. I'm not 100% why this is -- I mean, other than the fact that reading mountains of erotic fan fiction trying to find stories that are both uniquely bad and that I can make fun of is overwhelmingly eroding my will to live -- but it might have something to do with this:

I have found a fan fic worse than The Pokémon Story.

Seriously. Just having it read makes me want to drink myself to death in some dark corner of my house. And before you ask, no, today's FFF isn't it. Today's FFF isn't even close to the awfulness of what I will call The Other Story, and it's pretty fucking awful. And what makes me equally miserable is that even though I warned you guys about The Pokémon Story, even though I relented and posted it, and even though guys near unanimously agreed that I was right about its wretchedness.. some of you fools will mistakenly think you want to read The Other Story.

You don't. I promise. There's nothing funny I can say about it. And I'm not posting it, for your own good, not today, and hopefully not ever. So there. Now on to today's FFF, from a gent named King Splooge, which should be a pretty accurate hint as to the depravity content in today's FFF. I can't really post any of it before the jump, in fact, but I have thought of a few alternate titles that should sum up the story reasonably well (without giving away the big twist).

• Harry Potter and the Very Bad Decision
• Harry Potter and the Half-Male Female
• Harry Potter Gets Anally Raped by a Girl

Onward, fan fic warriors. Sigh.

Go there but you have been WARNED!!

Such wonders....!

Blog. A silly word for such a wonderful thing.

I guess, like most people, I have an internet routine that I adhere to daily. This comprises of the top sites and blogs that I frequent for news, info, pop culture goings on or belly laughs.And I thought I would share this list with you, my mythical readers.

So, in no particular order:

Plaid Stallions

Oh my. The joy this blog brings me is, well, y'know, it's a lot, I can tell you matey. Only here can your eyes feast upon 1970's catalogue fashions and images of a more innocent, Brut wearing, shag pile rug loving, fashion induced blindness age. All praise Brick Mantooth.

You'd be doing yourself a favour if you visited them NOW!

More to come........

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


It's been a quiet few months on the whole. Christmas came and went, although it was nice to relax in the comfort of our respective parent's houses, and of course eat alot! Good presents and good times. I finally got a camera, so expect many a new photo to pop up from time to time. But on to the highlights:

Helen's birthday! There was shopping and coffee:

Followed by a trip to cinema (for free, thank you Helen's pass!) to see Edge Of Darkness:

And then onwards to a lovely Mexican restaurant in Covent Garden:

And after a belly full of Corona and Burritos (and soooooo many nachos) we retired to our humble abode:

And the next day....I met Tom Savini:

This man is a legend. The pioneer of zombie make-up effects from George A Romero's classics and of course sex machine in 'From Dusk Till Dawn':

Saturday, January 23, 2010


This blog doesn't get updated nearly enough. I aim to rectify writing stuff. Yes, that's right. Stuff.

At the moment (typed 'mooment first time; must remember THAT word!) I'm trying to:

Learn how to paint in photoshop,
Sell my clutter; comics, graphic novels, toys, games etc,
Set realistic deadlines for myself in an effort to become a better artist,
and many other thingies.

More to follow!